Marcello Source Keller

Dear Wanda,

As you see, it took me quite a while to find the heart to write you this letter.

I simply would like to tell you, Rebecca and Gloria, that no one ever influenced my life so profoundly, and so positively as Bruno did. My gratitude is therefor boundless. I no longer travel much, so I had only a few opportunities to meet Bruno over the past few years. However, just knowing he was in Champaign, active as ever, was for me reassuring. He was one of my very few points of reference in life.

He was not only a very great scholar, he was also successful in making many of his students better and happier people than they would have otherwise been.

You will miss him terribly, and I know in such cases there is nothing sensible one can say. If it can help you at all, just think that very many people like myself, literally across the world, will miss him and never forget him to the very end of our days.

Please do not make the efforts to reply. This letter does not need a reply. You have other things on your mind. Just take care of yourself as much as you can, with the support of your wonderful family.

A very big, big hug from
