Eva Hnizdo

I only met Bruno and his family in October 2019, but he made me feel as if he was in my life all the time. In those 3 days, I saw what a wonderful, smart, kind, educated man he was. Such an amazing person. His father and my grandfather were cousins. But please Rebecca, Gloria and families, come ot visit me in London when Covid lets us!

My great-grandfather Isidor Nettl, and Bruno's grandfather Karl Nettl, were brothers. My grandfather Benno Nettl a kid in Prague) and Bruno's father Paul Nettl were cousins ("first" cousins, in American terminology). Thus,my mother, and my Uncle Mirko were "second" cousins and I am Bruno's "second cousin once removed" or in relationship to Rebecca and Gloria I am their third cousin. Very complicated.

My grandfather Benno and uncle Mirko were killed in the war. I have a new grandson now, named Benno after my grandfather. LOL Mischpoche.