Bette Adelman 

Dear friends,

I was quite overcome when reading the marvelous reminiscences and tributes about and to Bruno published in the 2021 issue of the UI’s School of Music Sonorities publication, which I received and read just moments ago in my hone in Arizona. What admiration, what appreciation and yes, adoration his students and colleagues expressed for him! It practically brought me to tears. He was beloved by so many people—not only for his academic and scholarly achievements, but perhaps even more so for his warmth, valued friendships, loving attention to colleagues and students, and just plain outright dignified humanity. The many expressions of adulation and the innumerable tributes published reminded me of my own personal regard and affection for him and made me feel sad again at his loss.

I just wanted you to know how high in esteem I still hold his memory, and how much I miss the wonderful company of the entire Nettl family I and my family once so enjoyed! Sending my love to the three of you, and hoping this finds you all well and happily content.